
Nature, Photos & Words

Nature, Photos & Words

Nature, Photos & Words

A beautiful (and cold!) New Year's Day spent cross-country skiing in a Quebec provincial park sparked what became a year-long daily haiku and photography project. Of the many gifts of that year, I've found a "refuge" from turbulent times (and stressful thoughts and beliefs) in noticing the unique beauty of any moment.  


Nature, Photos & Words

Nature, Photos & Words

 I've shared these haiku poems and photos as large posters at le galerie 1040 in the Plateau neighborhood of Montreal and at the Falmouth Art Center in Falmouth, Massachusetts (where I also hosted a haiku workshop). I welcome the chance to connect with you in this "online gallery." Feel free to leave a comment in the "Recent Haikus" section or email me: jane@haikurefuge.com


Nature, Photos & Words


Feel free to look around the Haiku Refuge shop. If you have questions or would like to see other products, let me know.  And, if you'd like, try your hand at haiku.  Here are some very general guidelines (it's best if you don't turn them into rules):

  • 5 syllables in the first line
  • 7 syllables in the second line
  • 5 syllables in the last

P.S.: A word or phrase usually tips the reader off about the season.